Reaghan’s mother suffered a seizure on a local expressway while returning from a volleyball game. The seizure caused her foot to lock onto the gas pedal
“This bill is still really bad, but it’s moved at least somewhat in the right direction so that, hopefully, we won’t see Armageddon on January 1st.” #orlandpark
Philip Vana stated that they have had the two pet mini pigs for just under eight years, and they had no idea that there was an ordinance against keeping them as pets.
On May 30th at approximately 2:30pm, a lifeguard patrolling the T-pool at the Centennial Park Aquatic Center observed a young boy that appeared to be unconscious (unresponsive) lying on his back in the T-pool.
Students, service organizations, scout troops, athletic teams, student activity groups and church groups all generously contributed time and effort in support of Orland Park residents in need.
Galante continued interrupting, which devolved into a shouting match. As a result of the lack of order and decorum, Glotz asked if there was a motion to remove Trustee Galante for lack of decorum.
The groundbreaking culminates eight years of planning, engineering and analysis that involved public participation from more than 100 Crestwood residents.