They were awarded for their commitment to service, including their work with various nonprofits related to education, domestic violence, violence prevention, and more. #lifetimeachievementaward
In 1987 after Former Mayor Harold Washington's death, a group of Black, Brown, White (Lake Front Progressive) Aldermen and activists including former Ald. Garcia, pushed for a Special Election to unseat a Black Mayor... #gator #lightfoot4chicago
I'm calling for all Black people backing Bailey to "Get Out!" Just like that movie. Wake up and don't be influenced by these Trumptonians. Get out while you can.
“Invest Southwest has been even more successful than I could have ever imagined. Number one, we’ve way exceeded what our financial estimates were. We will be seeing $2 Billion dollars by the end of this year,” said Mayor Lori Lightfoot.
Wallace Gator Bradley mentions Bob Israel, Mark Carter, and local Black Republican Leader Paul McKinley as being the men behind the election of Governor Rauner.
“I think those two men need to sit down and talk things out and have the developer there. If there is something that the developer has done, then there is something that can be straightened out,” said Bradley, who is a community activist.
"My decision was made before I became Judge Van Tine’s Urban Translator and Political Consultant. After reviewing her qualifications and experience as a judge for the last 20 years, it’s clear that she would continue to be an asset the to the Court and to the legal profession."