Wallace “Gator” Bradley Endorses Commissioner Brandon Johnson for Mayor of Chicago

Wallace "Gator" Bradley Endorses Commissioner Brandon Johnson for Mayor of Chicago


Wallace “Gator” Bradley Endorses Commissioner Brandon Johnson for Mayor of Chicago (Chicago, IL) — Chicago activist and political consultant Wallace “Gator” Bradley, also known widely as the Urban Translator, has endorsed Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson for Mayor of Chicago. This endorsement adds to Johnson’s growing list of endorsements, including Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, Personal PAC, Illinois Federation of Teachers, SEIU, Congressman Danny K. Davis, Congressman Jonathan Jackson, and many others.

“I am proud to endorse Commissioner Brandon Johnson for Mayor of Chicago,” said Bradley. “Brandon is a proven leader in our community and I know he will work hard to provide our citizens with the leadership we deserve.”

“Brandon Johnson has been a pillar here in Chicago. He has advocated for so many things that many Chicago citizens have benefited from. His work in the grassroots have led to real change,” continued Gator. “The experience he will bring to the table to help continue that change once he is elected. His progressive, innovative ideas will make Chicago a better place! To God be the Glory!”

John Heiderschedit, Criminal Defense Attorney; Subscription Lawyer; Chicago Lawyer

Wallace “Gator” Bradley previously worked with outgoing Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot as a campaign consultant.

Wallace “Gator” Bradley Endorses Commissioner Brandon Johnson for Mayor of Chicago


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