Under Gov. J.B. Pritzker and decades of pro-abortion leaders, Illinois has become the abortion destination capital of the Midwest. Abortion tourism, and abortions paid for by Illinois taxpayers, should never be accepted.
"If you want to know my governing philosophy, it's this: Take power away from these corrupt, career insider politicians, and give it back to the people of Illinois."
Sullivan: “We can do better. I’ve invested in job creators around the world, bringing prosperity and purpose in the toughest of circumstances. It can be done here in Illinois, but only if we make a real change."
As we get closer to the election, I believe there is only one Republican candidate who can win our primary, unite our party, and defeat J.B. Pritzker in November,” Anderson said.
Given the questionable judgement that J.B. Pritzker's appointed Prisoner Review Board has shown in the past, we urge the Board to stand with the families of his victims and to reject parole for Curtis Brownell.
“Gov. Pritzker’s spin on today’s ruling is dizzying. It took horrible polling numbers, members of his own party voting against him and judges ruling his orders moot before he finally allowed his school mask mandate to expire," said Sullivan.