CTU Exposed: Radical Indoctrination on Private Facebook Page

CTU Exposed: Radical Indoctrination on Private Facebook Page


CTU Exposed: Radical Indoctrination on Private Facebook Page (Chicago, IL) – As Chicago public school students wrapped up their final day before summer, Fox News broke a national story about Chicago Teachers Union members bragging about their efforts to politically indoctrinate students.

A whistleblower provided documents to Jesse Sullivan’s gubernatorial campaign including messages posted by CTU members in their private Facebook group. The messages indicate numerous violations of the State Employee Ethics Act, which stipulates that public employees cannot engage in political activity on state-compensated time.

CTU Exposed: Radical Indoctrination on Private Facebook Page
Pictured – Fox news headline on CTU sharing race based lessons. Image courtesy of Sullivan campaign.

Fox News: Whistleblower documents show Chicago Teachers Union sharing race-based lessons

Jesse Sullivan released the following statement in response:

John Heiderschedit, Criminal Defense Attorney; Subscription Lawyer; Chicago Lawyer

“When we launched our Power to the Parents agenda, our goal was to give power back to families and shine light on what has been going on in our schools. We are grateful to the CTU whistleblower who answered our call and brought forward these documents that show CTU members violating the prohibition on political activities for public officials, using their taxpayer-funded positions to indoctrinate our children with a radical political agenda.

“These activities are why I have called to defund the CTU and end political indoctrination in Illinois schools once and for all. As governor, I will end the practice of taxpayer-funded Chicago Public Schools collecting millions of dollars in dues on behalf of the Chicago Teachers Union.”

CTU Exposed: Radical Indoctrination on Private Facebook Page


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