He said trustees moved to this format after residents complained about their questions not being answered, or being deleted, during Zoom meetings; trustees’ microphones were being shut off during meetings; and items were not placed on the agenda.
Davis said he would not have poured as much money into the project as he did if he had known that Mayor James Ford has the final say in which businesses are and aren’t granted licenses to operate in the city.
Gonzalez said the city has a fleet of 87 cars, not counting fire trucks, and Enterprise projects replacing 37 cars in 2022, and 18 cars in 2023.
Mayor David Gonzalez said that the city wants to ensure that the landscaping in new projects is aesthetically pleasing and congruent with the city’s ideas for the project.
In August 2021, there were 24 opioid-related fatalities in suburban Cook County, according to the Cook County Department of Public Health.
In his report to the city council, Les Swintek, city finance director, told the council that the 2021 estimated tax levy would be posted for public viewing, as required by law, before it is voted on in December. He said the tax levy is zero percent.