Ventura Campaign Announces Endorsements From the Daily Herald and Others

Senator Ventura
Veteran's Memorial Park


Ventura Campaign Announces Endorsements From the Daily Herald and Others (Joliet, IL) – Today Rachel Ventura announces new endorsements from The Daily Herald and advocacy groups in IL and beyond. The Daily Herald, The Humane Society, Faith in Place, Citizen Action, United Hellenic Voters of America and Cook County College Teachers (CCCT) all voiced their support.

As published in The Herald, “Ventura’s views are more centrist, and she demonstrates more of a capacity to get things done by working with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. Ventura is endorsed.”

“Our campaign is focused on people power,” Ventura said. “I am proud to have the endorsements of more than 20 advocacy and workers’ associations. I am honored to have not just their endorsement but their ideas and activism in my campaign – the district is vast and we are making great strides in every community.”

The latest round of endorsements adds more momentum to Ventura’s surging campaign. Ventura has already received endorsements from Gun Violence Prevention PAC, Planned Parenthood IL Action, Personal PAC, Equality IL, Blue America, IL NOW, Sierra Club, Working Families Will County, Vote Mama, Run for Something, Catch Fire, Indo-American Democratic Org, The People’s Lobby, Illinois AFL-CIO, AFSCME, INA, IFT, and more.


A native of Joliet, Rachel Ventura is a single mom of twin daughters. She currently serves on the Will County Board, for the 9th district where she secured long-term clean water for 800 families, spearheaded the hiring of a vaccine equity manager, and chairs the Public Health and Safety committee. Ventura is the Democratic nominee for State Senate in the 43rd district. The election will be held on Tuesday, Nov 8th, 2022.

Ventura Campaign Announces Endorsements From the Daily Herald and Others


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