When a ghost gun is used in a crime, law enforcement agencies are unable to trace the weapon to the original purchaser, a key investigative step.
Investigators also recovered from the residence gun parts, including ghost gun parts, a drill press, molds, and other tools used to manufacture firearms.
During the execution of the search warrant, Sheriff’s Police investigators found items consistent with the operation of a brothel including financial items and documents. Investigators also recovered two guns including a Glock with a switch that made that firearm fully automatic.
“Make no mistake: this is a violent crime done primarily to obtain an anonymous car to commit more acts of violence, frequently shootings,” Sheriff Dart told the committee.
Magdalena Cuchil-Raymundo, 17, was last seen at her residence in the 10000 Block of Michael Todd Terrace at approximately 7:30 a.m. on February 20.
“This is a terrifying and dangerous crime that enables additional crimes to be carried out with the stolen vehicle,” said Cook County Sheriff Thomas J. Dart.
“The sheriff’s office was my opportunity to prove to my father the choices I made, the decisions I made, and the mistakes I made weren’t going to define who I was,” said Gercone.