Mayors from Chicago Heights, Homewood, and Hammond, Indiana gathered yesterday, July 26, in Homewood to inaugurate the flow of water to Homewood as well as the Village of Flossmoor.
"Many of my supporters did not vote because they were under the impression the votes would not be counted and they did not want to legitimize an illegal recall election.
He said trustees moved to this format after residents complained about their questions not being answered, or being deleted, during Zoom meetings; trustees’ microphones were being shut off during meetings; and items were not placed on the agenda.
Former Mayor of Robbins Tyrone Ward talked with The Southland Journal tonight about his history, his advocacy, and his future in politics and education.
Lightfoot urges for vigilance as COVID-19 cases rise: 'It's still real, it's still deadly' (Chicago, IL) - The city of Chicago is taking measures to mitigate an increase in COVID-19 cases while also preparing to welcome thousands of visitors for its annual Lollapalooza music festival.
Former Harvey Mayor David Johnson Passes Away at Age 72 (Harvey, IL) - Former Harvey Mayor David Johnson passed away on Saturday at the age of 72. He is survived by his wife of 26 years, Bonnye Johnson, two daughters, and siblings.
Danville Mayor Rickey Williams Lied About Commenter, Stripped Public Of Right To Speak And Listen (Danville, IL) - During the April 6, 2021, Danville, Illinois City Council Meeting, Mayor Rickey Williams, Jr., started public comment by lying about Christopher Hansen, the person who submitted a public comment to be read at the meeting.
According to data provided by the Cook County Clerk's office, Ward is out as Mayor despite claims that mail-in ballots will turn the race around in Ward's favor.