Confirmed: Ward Out, Bryant In as Mayor of Robbins

Confirmed: Ward Out, Bryant In as Mayor of Robbins


Confirmed: Ward Out, Bryant In as Mayor of Robbins (Robbins, IL) – In what is being called a big upset in Robbins, incumbent Mayor Tyrone Ward was apparently knocked out of his seat by challenger Darren E. Bryant.

According to the Cook County Clerk’s website, all 7 of 7 precincts have reported with 457 votes for Ward and 546 votes for Bryant, with Bryant leading by a margin of 89 votes. Recent calls and emails to The Southland Journal claim that Ward may still win the race, saying that Ward may have had over 100 mail-in ballots that have not-yet been counted.

According to a representative from the Cook County Clerk’s office, the Village of Robbins had a total of 96 mail-in ballots requested, and as of Thursday, April 8, had received and counted 31. This leaves a total of 65 votes that may still be received and counted toward this race, which would not be enough votes for Ward to retain his seat.

Election law states that mail-in ballots must be postmarked by April 6 and received by April 20 to be counted in this year’s Consolidated Election.

John Heiderschedit, Criminal Defense Attorney; Subscription Lawyer; Chicago Lawyer

As far as the race for Clerk, incumbent Debra J. Yates was knocked out by independent challenger Sharon Snoddy Dyson by a margin of 89 votes. Regardless of the remaining mail-in ballots to be counted, Dyson’s seat is secure as the new Clerk.

The race for Village Trustee was closer, with a total of 7 candidates vying for 3 seats. Ward-backed candidates Collier, Freeman, and Henry are currently the apparent losers in this race, but by a thin margin. Please refer to the chart below to see the vote totals as of this writing:

Candidate% of Vote# of Votes
Michael D. Collier Sr.15.83%407
Marshelle “Lilmama” Darnet Freeman16.02%412
Jacqueline Henry13.22%340
Tiffany S. Robinson17.23%443
Gregory N. Jackson17.46%449
Kyiesha Terri Hill16.1%414
Ila Davis4.12%106
Village of Robbins Trustee Vote Totals as of 04/08/2021 at 4:00 PM

With a potential 65 votes still coming in, these Trustee seats are still up in the air.

Confirmed: Ward Out, Bryant In as Mayor of Robbins


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