Rep. Evans has served in the Illinois Legislature since 2012, currently serving as both Assistant Majority Leader and Chairman of the Labor and Commerce Committee under House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch. Evans is known to be a strong collaborator and a consensus-building leader. #staterep
Raoul’s legislation – contained in House Bill (HB) 5561 – would fill existing voids in labor enforcement that leave workers unprotected from often-devastating employer retaliation... #whistleblower
This is the third significant contribution to the outstanding loan balance, which increased significantly after the fund was forced to borrow $4.5 billion in federal funds to provide relief to workers unemployed due to COVID-19. #unemployment
Monica M. Gordon: "We are watching our reproductive rights and liberties disintegrate before our eyes, following last night’s report about the future of Roe v. Wade."
#abortion #roevwade
All who knew Frank, knew he was tough. But they also knew his ‘toughness’, was rooted in his determination and single-mindedness to improve the quality of life for every family in our community – his community.