“Maggio is a ruthless and manipulative killer who stole the lives of Ashtin Eaton and Hazel Bryant all in an effort to thwart his obligations as a father to pay child support.” Glasgow said. #sentenced
The $15.5 million contract was awarded to Miami Marine Services for site preparation and riverbed rock removal for the engineered channel. #contruction
At sentencing, the government presented evidence that Guyton facilitated the trafficking of at least five other victims, including a minor, by beating and sexually assaulting them. #federalprison
Marquel Jimmerson is eligible for an extended prison sentence of 3-14 years on the Robbery count, a mandatory prison sentence of 2-10 years for the Intimidation charge, and 1 to 6 years for the Domestic Battery counts. #guilty
Currently, all public colleges and universities in Illinois are subject to meet a 30% goal in contracting with disadvantaged businesses. #smh #subjectmatterhearing #publichearing #communitycollege #university