Rodney Davis Voted to Strip Military Servicemembers of Due Process Rights

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Washington D.C. (ECWd) –

H.R. 4350, the National Defense Authorization Act (“NDAA”) passed the United State House of Representatives in September 2021.

Among those voting in favor was downstate Illinois U.S. Representative Rodney Davis – see all votes HERE.

Recently, Rodney Davis has been touting his support of military servicemembers, but never mentions his vote for this Bill which strips due process rights (those rights afforded ordinary citizens) from those in the military. He even had the opportunity to sign on to the letter some House members sent to the Senate urging them to remove this portion from the Bill but didn’t – which indicates this was his intention all along.

One provision of the House-passed NDAA, Section 529, would violate the Second Amendment rights of our nation’s brave servicemembers, allowing military judges and magistrates to issue military court gun confiscation orders, and, further, such an order could be issued ex parte (without the servicemembers even knowing or permitted to defend themselves), and granting local police jurisdiction for enforcement, and such orders may not be issued, appealed, renewed, or terminated by State, local, territorial, or tribal courts.

This, in our opinion, strips servicemembers of the same Due Process afforded to civilians.

Some Representatives have sent letters to the Senate requesting the red-flag provisions be removed (here), even some of those who voted in favor of the Bill. Why they voted in favor of a Bill containing this language should be concerning for all their constituents.


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