Kathy Murray Releases her Proposed Parent’s Bill of Rights

Kathy Murray Releases her Proposed Parent's Bill of Rights


Kathy Murray Releases her Proposed Parent’s Bill of Rights (Lombard, IL) – State Senate candidate Kathleen Murray (R-21 st district) today released the Parents Bill of Rights that she will sponsor upon election to the Illinois Senate. Defending the need for a Parents Bill of Rights in Illinois Ms. Murray stated:

“Parents, not the government, have the authority and responsibility to raise their minor children according to their values, to determine the appropriate time to introduce sex related topics, to make decisions for the physical, emotional and mental wellbeing of their child and to manage the transition from childhood to adulthood.

“Upon election to the Illinois Senate, I will sponsor a Parents Bill of Rights, consistent with the long traditions of the United States.”


Whereas, the United States Supreme Court has declared a presumption that “a fit parent will act in the best interest of his or her child”;

Whereas, there has been unabated government intrusion into the fundamental rights of parents in their primary role in the upbringing of their children;

Whereas, the duty of government is the protection of the rights of its citizens, inclusive of the constitutional rights of parents;

The public policy of the State of Illinois will be to recognize and affirmatively defend the rights of parents including, but not limited to the following:

I. Parents have the right to choose to have their children’s education dollars go to the educational providers of their choice whether public or private.

II. Parents have the right to home school their children with equipment and supplies funded on an equal per capita basis with children attending schools outside the home.

III. Parents have the right to be notified of the following:

  • All recommended medical, healthcare services or procedures
  • All issues regarding the mental health and well-being of their child
  • Situations affecting the safety of their minor child occurring in or around the school, including:
    ▪ Physical assaults
    ▪ Presence of weapons or drugs
    ▪ Police investigations
    ▪ Crimes committed by teachers or other employees, whether such offenses were committed on or off the campus of a school

Contact: Brett Leahy, 815-272-3227 Brett.thomas.leahy@gmail.com

IV. Parents have the right to consent prior to any non-emergency medical, physical or mental health treatment, exam or screening Parents – not the state – have the right to oversee the transition from childhood to adulthood of their children.

V. Parents have the right to determine the education of their children regarding topics of a sexual nature and the right to opt out of curriculum

VI. Parents have the right to OPT-IN for their child to participate PRIOR to involvement in any non-standard educational topics or activities, including surveys with questions related to protected personal information.

VII. The right to know what is being taught in school with access to see all curriculum and supporting material.

VIII. Parents have the right to information on the teachers, guest lecturers, and outside presenters who engage with students at the school attended by their minor child.

IX. Parents have the right to observe their child during the school day, to be full partners in their children’s education and the right to visit their minor child at school during school hours.

X. Parents have the right to access all school and local agency records pertaining to their minor child and must consent to collection of any biometric data or sensitive personal information.

XI. Parents have the right to protect their child’s privacy

XII. Parents have the right to be heard at school board meetings and any government hearings affecting their minor child.

XIII. Parents have the right to be present during and consulted prior to the questioning of their child by law enforcement personnel.

XIV. Parents have the right to review video footage, body camera footage and social media content of their child that is in possession of school administrators, or law enforcement.


Ms. Murray has been endorsed by Illinois Family Action, Illinois State Rifle Association, Illinois Freedom Alliance, Manufacturing and Technology Association, Safe Suburbs USA and recommended by Stand for Health Freedom. For More Visit: electkathleenmurray.com/ On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/electkathleenmurray/

Kathy Murray Releases her Proposed Parent’s Bill of Rights


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