“History Repeats Itself” – James Di Naso

History Repeats Itself
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History Repeats Itself. (U.S.) (ECWd). Throughout the year we received letters and thoughts from a lot of people.  This one in particular we felt was worth sharing as we also recognize the importance of knowing our history.  We routinely see local governments making mistakes that could have been avoided had they learned the history of others who made those same mistakes in years prior.

Opening paragraph:

“It has been said many times before that “History repeats itself”. If this statement is true, and many believe it is, then one could get a sense for what the future holds by simply researching and attempting to understand the past. Knowing and understanding true history is the first step to enlightenment if one hopes to learn from and avoid the mistakes of those that preceded us. However, understanding history and learning from history are two completely different endeavors altogether. Unfortunately, history itself demonstrates that a failure to learn from the mistakes of the past is the historical norm which validates the old saying “History repeats itself”.”

We encourage everyone to read his entire paper and recognize the important role our history plays in the future of this Country.  A full copy of the contributed document can be downloaded from this link or viewed below.

History Repeats Itself (003)

History Repeats Itself


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