Amalgamated Transit Unions 241, 308 endorse Democrat Clayton Harris for State’s Attorney

Amalgamated Transit Unions 241, 308 endorse Democrat Clayton Harris for State's Attorney


Amalgamated Transit Unions 241, 308 endorse Democrat Clayton Harris for State’s Attorney (Chicago, IL) — Clayton Harris III added two new endorsements to a growing list of early backers for his campaign for Cook County State’s Attorney. Amalgamated Transit Union Local 241, which represents bus drivers, and Amalgamated Transit Union Local 308, which represents rail workers in Chicago, both endorsed Harris Tuesday.

“Our bus drivers and rail workers have the distinction of providing critical services that are a lifeline to millions of people. They play a crucial role in the functioning of our city,” said Harris. “But by the nature of their job—interacting with a large variety of people on the ‘frontlines’, and having to enforce public safety directives like masking during COVID, handling mental health crisis, de-escalating passenger violence, or bearing the brunt of random violence—they are putting their lives theoretically and literally on the line every day.

“As State’s Attorney, it will be a priority for me to hold people accountable who are putting our local transit workers and riders in dangerous situations, and do all that I can to promote a safe working environment for the important work that they do every day.”

John Heiderschedit, Criminal Defense Attorney; Subscription Lawyer; Chicago Lawyer

“Every day, CTA bus drivers face serious safety challenges on the job as they show up to make our city run,” said ATU Local 241 President Keith Hill. “The State’s Attorney’s Office can be a vital partner in our efforts to make sure public transit is safe and accessible, and we’re looking forward to being able to collaborate with Clayton when he’s elected.”

Harris is running in the March 19, 2024 Democratic primary election for the open Cook County State’s Attorney seat.

Amalgamated Transit Unions 241, 308 endorse Democrat Clayton Harris for State’s Attorney


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