Upon completion of the online consent form, the Sheriff’s Office will automatically mail carjacking-deterrent stickers to the individual’s house free of charge.
Cooper was killed during a carjacking allegedly committed by two men while they were on court-ordered electronic home monitoring while they awaited trial on charges for other crimes.
“The Sheriff’s Office will continue to work closely with other law enforcement agencies and engage automakers to reduce dangerous car thefts and carjackings in Cook County.”
“As countries around the globe unite in solidarity and continue to stand with Ukraine, it is only fitting that the people of this agency do whatever they can,” Sheriff Dart added.
He is currently registered as a sex offender in Illinois for a 2010 conviction in North Carolina for criminal sexual abuse of an underage child.
When a ghost gun is used in a crime, law enforcement agencies are unable to trace the weapon to the original purchaser, a key investigative step.