"This crime can impact anyone, and it is especially critical that we remain vigilant in protecting vulnerable children and youth from exploitation. #trafficking
To date, DCFS has distributed 6,135 smoke alarms to families across Illinois, including 1,368 this year, an increase of over 470 from the same time last year. #fireprevention
The Grandparents Raising Grandchildren program will run from Jan. 1, 2024, through Jan. 1, 2027, and will begin in Will County, but could expand statewide in the future.
DCFS aims to reunite children with their birth families, but when reunification is not possible as determined by the courts, many foster families choose to adopt their foster children. #fostercare
DCFS director Smith faced 11 counts of civil contempt last year for failing to move children into appropriate placements, although they were later overturned by an appellate court, which ruled they were an abuse of judicial discretion. #dcfs
The Illinois Safe Children Act assures that children who are coerced into human trafficking/prostitution are innocent and immune from criminal prosecution and will be placed in the child welfare system with DCFS instead of the criminal justice system. #humantrafficking