While we deeply sympathize with the plight of those seeking a better life, compassion must be balanced with practical governance. We can no longer ignore this crisis. #migrants
This incident raises serious concerns about her conduct and judgment as an elected official. If an elected official does not respect our dedicated police officers, then how can we expect the citizens to respect the police? #resignation
With the struggles facing our country and Cook County, I will continue to stand on my pragmatic principles of limited government, lower taxes, and finding responsible, common-sense solutions to our county’s problems. I will also remain committed to challenging the 'soft on crime' policies that have endangered communities and families across Cook County.
"Anytime we have an opportunity to cut or eliminate taxes it's always the right thing to do for Cook County taxpayers. The Wheel Tax provided plenty of consternation for residents of unincorporated Cook County. Relieving them of the administrative and financial stress is a win for suburban residents," stated Commissioner Sean Morrison