“The gruesome and unjust murder of Emmett Till serves as one of the most well-known examples of a lynching in American history,” said Rep. Rush. #emmetttill
“Unfortunately, the railroads companies have been unwilling to negotiate in good faith with their workers, which brought the country to the brink of a rail crisis..." #railroadstrike
The bill will directly lower costs for families, invest hundreds of billions to make sure that America’s energy is clean and secure, and reduce the deficit by over $300 billion.
Rep. Rush secured an amendment in the House-passed bill that would require any company applying for the pot of $52 billion in semiconductor incentives to provide data on the diversity of its workforce, which would then be aggregated and published in a biannual report.
"The areas that surround Homewood are lacking jobs and economic opportunity. Illinois ranks highest in the nation among Black unemployment. This area houses a huge percentage of the Black population in Illinois. To deny us economic opportunity and employment is horrible, says Chamber president.