Johnson blamed “the ultra rich and corporations” for advocating against a Chicago tax increase on property sales and a progressive state income tax voters have rejected. #taxes
However, in two surveys of my ward following each event, neighbors repeatedly asked for this not to be held on July 4th weekend, when the race blocks access to the park for weeks around a family holiday. #statement
The new contract with AFSCME could cost up to an additional $300 million when finally settled, according to some lawmakers, but was not included in the state's budget. #budget #illinois
The bill will directly lower costs for families, invest hundreds of billions to make sure that America’s energy is clean and secure, and reduce the deficit by over $300 billion.
"A significant surplus and a zero-day payment cycle mean that our schools are funded, our roads are being rebuilt, and our healthcare providers are paid on time..."
“I’m pleased our board continues to be fiscally conservative when it comes to spending allowing us to provide exceptional services without raising taxes at a time of unprecedented inflation,” explained Ogle.