Marcus Jefferson Finance Committee Chairman for the Southland Black Chamber of Commerce Goes to D.C. to Advocate for Businesses in the Southland and Across the Country

Mr. Jefferson Finance Committee Chairman
Veteran's Memorial Park


Mr. Jefferson Finance Committee Chairman. (Washington, D.C.) – Mr. Marcus Jefferson, Chairman of the Finance Committee for the Southland Black Chamber is currently in Washington D.C. advocating for an amendment to the infrastructure bill that will include access to capital for black owned businesses. Black businesses across the country still struggle getting access to loans and capital from traditional banks. Mr. Jefferson is advocating for an alternative source of capital outside of traditional banks to ensure that black businesses participate.

A statement from Marcus Jefferson, Chairman of the Finance Committee for the Southland Black Chamber of Commerce & Industry:

We Came To Ask Isabella Guzman, Administrator Of The Small Business Administration To Keep The Comittment And Expeditiously Execute The Plan To Provide New Direct Capital Access To The Millions Of African American Small Business Owners Across America! We Thank God For The Passage Of The New One Trillion Dollar Infrastructure Bill In The Senate Yesterday! However, If The SBA Is Not Directed To Provide New Direct Loans To Black Businesses, We Will Not Be Able To Effectively Apply For And Compete Equally For Any Of

The Contracts In All Fifty States! I Join With Dr Cornel Darden Jr. And The Southland Black Chamber Of Commerce In Asking That The Bill Be Amended In The House Of Representatives To Include The New “Frederick Douglass SBA Direct Loan For Small Black Business Owners! This Loan Would Provide Up To $50 Billion Dollars In New Federal Loans Without Going Through Banks! Please Join Us Now In Asking Each Of Our US. Representatives To Support This New Amendment. We Must Act Quickly Before Black Businesses Are Left Out, Once Again! Heaven Forbide, We Have Faith Tha God Will Turn The Hearts Of All 435 Representatives Both Democracts and Republicans! Contact Your Representative Today!

Mr. Jefferson Finance Committee Chairman


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