Cruz Asks: ”Why Are Teachers Abusing Our Kids”? (Oak Lawn, IL) – Rob Cruz, Candidate for Congress (R-6th) and member of District 229 School Board comments:
“As you undoubtedly have heard, the Chicago Teachers Union has illegally walked off their jobs today, Why are the teachers picking on our kids? Why can’t parents make decisions for their own children?”, he asked.
“Our children’s mental health social skills and base education can not be determined by radical, selfish teachers. I had to go to work this morning, didn’t you?”, he further questioned.
Return to Virtual Learning
A return to virtual learning in the midst of the spread of the omicron variant of COVID-19, would simply be repeating past mistakes, Joseph G. Allen, an associate professor and director of the Healthy Buildings program at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, argued.
“What are parent suppose to do with little notice as they try to balance their jobs and their kids school routines?” CTU has gone unchecked for too long and this disruption hurts the entire community
“I swore an oath to protect the kids at all costs, and to make sure school is a safe place. Can we honestly say it is right now,” Cruz asks. Cruz is a successful small businessman, from Oak Lawn, who is frustrated with the direction and overreach of current elected officials. Rob seeks office only to find better solutions for public safety, education, and support of small businesses.
About Rob Cruz
In 2011, Cruz was diagnosed with leukemia at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. After a grueling three-year battle, he achieved remission. His ordeal motivated him to join the professional board of Imerman Angels, a one-on-one cancer survivors group that provides encouragement and emotional support to patients and their loved ones dealing with cancer.
In 2020, Cruz co-founded the GOP Jamboree, an organization dedicated to attracting younger people to the Republican Party through song and culture. He was also recruited to work on the VOTE NO campaign, a grassroots initiative that would block Illinois politicians from burdening already-stressed residents with higher tax burdens.
Cruz Asks: ”Why Are Teachers Abusing Our Kids”?