Hastings’ campaign is bolstered by a broad coalition of supporters, including prominent organizations such as the Illinois Federation of Teachers and the Illinois Education Association. #hastings
"Standing beside my clients in court, I have witnessed the impact of the judiciary on litigants, which has given me greater understanding of the effect of a judge’s ruling and gravity of the consequences. #election
State Rep. Dan Caulkins, R-Decatur, explained how top Democrats, like Harmon, wouldn’t allow the Invest in Kids Act renewal bill to be called this legislative session because it wasn’t favorable to public school teachers unions, who are large contributors to the Democrats’ campaigns. #dnc
Earlier this month, I was proud to join the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity in announcing millions of dollars for helping connect people to good careers. #oped
The Illinois Supreme Court and State Board of Elections each made rulings Friday ensuring that a law rushed through by Democrats in May wouldn’t throw a wrench into the filing process for the current election cycle. #election
According to the lawsuit, Sheppard's firing violated his First Amendment rights, as he had raised concerns he had about Mayor Bryant with state and federal law enforcement... #robbins