Black Chamber Statement on ‘Bring Chicago Home’ Appellate Court Ruling

Black Chamber Statement on 'Bring Chicago Home' Appellate Court Ruling
Veteran's Memorial Park


Black Chamber Statement on ‘Bring Chicago Home’ Appellate Court Ruling (Chicago IL) — Today’s Appellate Court ruling on the “Bring Chicago Home” referendum has no bearing on the invalidity of the question, says the Chicago Southland Black Chamber of Commerce. The chamber’s Chairman, Dr. Cornel Darden Jr., said, “Although we understand and respect the higher court’s ruling, we are committed to the fight against the ‘Bring Chicago Home’ referendum question. Today’s ruling, although disappointing, does not address the validity of the question, which is the real issue at hand.”

The Appellate Court’s reversal of Judge Kathleen Burke’s initial decision at the Circuit Court level was based on the premise that the Circuit Court cannot have jurisdiction over the legislative process, however, the Chicago Southland Black Chamber of Commerce maintains that the question itself is improperly written, essentially railroading voters to choose a blanket “yes” or “no” answer to a complicated question.

“The question at hand here, and this is something we have always asserted, is that the question itself is logrolling. It asks a multiple-part question with just one answer,” continued Darden. “In addition, the question both raises and lowers the tax rate through referendum, which is problematic in itself,”

Moreover, the Chicago Southland Black Chamber maintains that the change in the real estate transfer tax will hurt renters, homeowners, and businesses alike.

Darden continued, “We are currently knee-deep in a tumultuous market. The city of Chicago is seeing residents leaving, businesses shutting their doors, and inflated rental and sale prices on both commercial and residential properties. We are committed to seeing a better Chicago for all. We believe that the homeless, the homeowners, the businesses, and everyone here deserve a better, more comprehensive plan to battle the issue of homelessness. We all deserve better.”

The Chicago Southland Black Chamber of Commerce is working diligently with their colleagues, friends, and supporters to determine the next steps in fighting the “Bring Chicago Home’ referendum. Rest assured, the fight is not over and the chamber is confident that the bogus referendum will not prevail.

Black Chamber Statement on ‘Bring Chicago Home’ Appellate Court Ruling


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