AFGE Local 704 Calls for Gaza Ceasefire

AFGE Local 704 Calls for Gaza Ceasefire
Veteran's Memorial Park


AFGE Local 704 Calls for Gaza Ceasefire (Chicago, IL) — Members of AFGE Local 704—the union representing over 1000 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) employees in six states—voted last week to join other major labor unions, such as United Auto Workers, and the American Postal Workers Union, in calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

“Many in our EPA community have been struck by the devastating loss of life and brutal acts of violence in Israel and Palestine, which have been unfolding over the last five months,” said Nicole Cantello, President of AFGE Local 704, which represents the largest region of EPA employees in the country.

“We join with other labor organizations in calling for a ceasefire, taking action for the protection of human life and full humanitarian assistance. We are now also joining as a sponsor for the labor movement ceasefire resolution.”

“Furthermore, as a union of a diverse and regional workforce, we advocate for our rights as workers to stand against violence and oppression without fear of retaliation or negative consequences in our EPA workplace.”

AFGE Local 704 has been a vocal organizer for national and local causes—including seeking fair remote work terms for its employees during the pandemic, standing up to Trump-era budget cuts to the EPA, as well as voting to endorse Bring Chicago Home.

AFGE Local 704 Calls for Gaza Ceasefire


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