Illinois Environmental Council urges passage of new energy bill agreement (Springfield, IL) – Following is a statement from Jen Walling, executive director of the Illinois Environmental Council, on the clean energy legislative agreement reached in Illinois:
“Representing more than 100 Illinois environmental organizations, we stand in support of SB2408, the comprehensive climate and equitable jobs act that will tackle the climate crisis at the scale science demands, and that aligns with our values of equity and accountability.
“We are proud to support this bill, which includes a specific timeline for decarbonization and interim pollution reductions, while also creating good-paying jobs and wealth for working families in Illinois’ Black and Brown communities most impacted.
“This moment is only possible because environmental champions in the General Assembly stood strong and sided with their constituents over the polluting fossil fuel interests who have called the shots in Springfield for too long. IEC looks forward to the passage of SB2408 and to celebrating the many climate champions voting in support of this nation-leading legislation. We thank Governor Pritzker, legislative leaders and stakeholders for reaching this agreement.”
Illinois Environmental Council urges passage of new energy bill agreement