Rep. Haas Passes Multiple Bills Through Committee

Rep. Haas Passes Multiple Bills Through Committee


Rep. Haas Passes Multiple Bills Through Committee (Springfield, IL) — Earlier this week, State Representative Jackie Haas (R-Kankakee) passed four bills through committees. All four bills are scheduled to be read and debated on the House floor.

“I am proud to say that four bills I filed have moved out of committee this week,” said Rep. Haas. “All of these bills received unanimous, bipartisan support. These bills will support law enforcement, crack down on dangerous drugs, address our daycare shortages, and regulate sign usage on private property.”

House Bill 5174 passed the Personnel & Pensions Committee with a vote of 11-0. This bill will extend retirement annuities to sheriff’s law enforcement officers who return to work as a school security guard.

House Bill 4450 passed the Judiciary-Criminal Committee with a vote of 15-0. This bill will make the drug xylazine a Schedule III controlled substance, with an exemption for veterinary care.

House Bill 4059 passed the Child Care Accessibility & Early Childhood Education Committee with a vote of 14-0. This bill will create licensing orientation programs for individuals interested in becoming daycare providers.

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House Bill 5039 passed the Transportation: Regulations, Roads & Bridges committee with a vote of 14-0. This bill notes that nothing currently requires the content of a sign on the property of a business to relate to the business.

Rep. Haas concluded, “I look forward to continued bipartisan support on these bills that will address some of our state’s most critical issues.”

These four bills join others already passed through committee by Rep. Haas, such as House Bill 4883 and House Joint Resolution 58.

Rep. Haas Passes Multiple Bills Through Committee


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