A Multi-Family Home: What Is It?

A Multi-family home is a single building with separate living accommodations for multiple families, unlike a single family home, containing only one private living quarters for one family in a single dwelling.

Some common types of multi-family housing include duplexes that have two separate dwellings for families and apartment buildings with upto four separate units.  Any unit size over 4 separate dwellings are considered commercial property.  Multi-family homes have distinct characteristics from that of single-family homes, including a different mailing address, individual kitchens and bathrooms and typically separate entrances to each unit.

Long-Term Investment

Real estate remains Americans’ top choice for long-term investment. In most cases, a multi-family home serves as an investment property for the owner(s).   To maximize your investment, understanding the costs associated with the property, including not only your mortgage, property taxes and homeowners insurance, but also other expenses such as utilities, real estate agent fees, advertising (to attract tenants) and legal fees, are vitally important factors to consider in your buying process.

Who Should Purchase A Multi-Family Home?

Multi-family homes are best for those who are interested in getting into real estate investing and are comfortable with the added responsibility and time commitment that comes with being a landlord. They can also be a smart choice for multi-generational families interested in buying a property together while having their own dedicated space.

Where Do I Start?

As your primary source for all things Real Estate, A. Progeny Global Real Estate Consultants are experienced professionals, equipped to take you through the buying process seamlessly.  Here’s what we can do for you…

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Market Analysis & Insight

Team APG provides you with in-depth macro and micro market analysis, ensuring successful acquisition of  your real estate investment with stabilized, predictable returns. Our team regularly analyzes the current real estate market, providing you with reliable forecasting trends to capitalize on current and future investment opportunities.

Financial Analysis & Insight

Our team teaches you about the effects of federal taxation and provides ways to produce financial leverage to positively affect your cash flow throughout the purchasing process.

Investment Analysis & Insight

Through the entire life cycle of an investment, from acquiring, to capital improvements, from refinancing to disposition, every purchase decision is based on the cash flow and the fundamentals of the current market.  A. Progeny Real Estate Consultants are skilled industry marksmen, finding you the very best real estate options to maximize your investment.

Negotiation Process

A knowledgeable and skillful negotiator attains a delicate balance between all parties to successfully close fruitful transactions.  Skilled in the real estate negotiation process, A. Progeny Global is your team of negotiators to close the deal of your dreams!

Investment Strategy & Planning

What are your investment goals? Are you seeking higher returns? Passive income? Appreciation? Tax breaks? Are you building equity and wealth? Or are you just diversifying? Our team of Licensed Real Estate Consultants help you achieve your investment dreams, whatever the goal is.


Are YOU Ready?

Now is always a good time to start in real estate!  Email me at: Alonzo@aprogenyglobal.com today and let’s talk business!

Why now is the right time to invest in multi family real estate