Vote Her Out

Vote Her Out


Vote Her Out (Chicago, IL) – “It is time to call out politicians extreme positions and dangerous rhetoric”, Attorney John Booras, former police officer, national real estate tax expert and private attorney, and candidate for Congress (Il 3rd) said today, “I received an unsolicited text from my opponent in this race that is deeply troubling and I can not in good concise let it pass,” he continued. “She sent an un- requested text to many of our neighbors saying; ‘ I’ll do everything in my power so that orange evil monster never gets back [in the White House] again’ and , ‘..what we’ve seen from Trump is incredibly dangerous..’.”

“After the recent assignation attempt on former President Trump’s life, nearly all reasonable people agreed that this kind of rhetoric from politicians and the media, likely contributed to stoking the emotions of the unstable assassin,” he stated. “Of course, we are talking about a member of ‘the squad’ in congress, an extremist group that Wikipedia defines as ‘the most progressive and left-wing members of the United States Congress ’, he continued. Wikipedia says these extremist politicians are in ‘safe seats’, meaning you won’t hold them accountable or vote them out. I have more faith in my neighbors than Wikipedia apparently does, I believe you will say ‘enough is enough’ and vote her out this November,” he declared.

“Send me to Washington, for a few years, please. I have common sense”, he asked. John Booras lives In Homer Glen with his wife Theodora (Roula) and three primary school aged children.

John Heiderschedit, Criminal Defense Attorney; Subscription Lawyer; Chicago Lawyer

To learn more about John and his campaign for Congress, visit

Vote Her Out


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