“These buildings look fantastic and represent the kind of investment I and my team work every day to bring to the city of Harvey,” Mayor Clark said. “Everyone deserves a great place to live, especially our fellow residents in their senior years. And this looks great.” #housing
The event will offer seniors an opportunity to take advantage of some programs offered by the Secretary of State’s Office without having to visit a Driver’s Facility.
With food prices increasing and overall higher inflation, there is no doubt that this will impact many individuals (of all ages) in our communities – forcing them to make decisions between food, life-saving prescriptions, healthcare, property taxes and related housing costs.
United Center Vaccination Appointments Open Thursday for Illinois Seniors (Chicago, IL) - Beginning Thursday, March 4 at 8:30 a.m., Illinois seniors can schedule their first COVID-19 vaccine appointment at the United Center vaccine site, which will begin to administer a limited number of vaccines on March 9, with a full opening March 10.