“Maggio is a ruthless and manipulative killer who stole the lives of Ashtin Eaton and Hazel Bryant all in an effort to thwart his obligations as a father to pay child support.” Glasgow said. #sentenced
Parker was sentenced to 37.5 years in prison for First Degree Murder and Bobbie Jo Ollom was sentenced to 18 years in prison for Armed Robbery. #guilty
The video of that reenactment was then used as a key piece of evidence in Logan’s 2021 conviction on first-degree murder charges... #illinoissupremecourt
The five defendants were national and regional leaders of the Gangster Disciples, a criminal organization with a presence throughout the United States... #fbi #gangsterdisciples
Nouri also cited the state’s Reproductive Health Act, a 2019 law that, among other things, stipulates fetuses do not have independent rights in the state of Illinois. #murder #fetus
"This is an excellent model of Federal and local forces coordinating efforts, without the need for additional budgets or manpower, to target the most violent offenders and achieve real results in the safety of our communities."