Minimum wage workers are encouraged to keep a close eye on their paychecks in the new year as any time worked in 2023 must reflect the new $13 an hour minimum wage. #minimumwage
The Illinois Safe Children Act assures that children who are coerced into human trafficking/prostitution are innocent and immune from criminal prosecution and will be placed in the child welfare system with DCFS instead of the criminal justice system. #humantrafficking
Each applicant drawn for an opportunity for a conditional license will have 45 calendar days to prove certain social equity eligibility criteria... #cannabis
Despite Democrats’ appeal for the U.S. Census to revise the state’s population upward, Illinois’ population still declined 1.1% to 12.67 million people. #illinois
"It affirms the humanity of all people and validates the right of every person to love freely and be protected from gender and racial discrimination." #respectformarriage