The top two issues for climate change are energy and water, yet Illinois is the only in the USA that prohibits water reuse with a few words in our drinking water code... #water
The bill will directly lower costs for families, invest hundreds of billions to make sure that America’s energy is clean and secure, and reduce the deficit by over $300 billion.
The Climate Crisis Is Worse Than You Can Imagine. Here’s What Happens If You Try. - Peter Kalmus, out of his mind, stumbled back toward the car. It was all happening. All the stuff he’d been trying to get others to see, and failing to get others to see — it was all here. The day before, when his family started their Labor Day backpacking trip along the oak-lined dry creek bed in Romero Canyon, in the mountains east of Santa Barbara, the temperature had been 105 degrees. Now it was 110 degrees, and under his backpack, his “large mammalian self,” as Peter called his body, was more than just overheating. He was melting down. Everything felt wrong. His brain felt wrong and the planet felt wrong, and everything that lived on the planet felt wrong, off-kilter, in the wrong place.