59.1 F
Wednesday, October 9, 2024


bob fioretti cook county states attorney

October Surprise! Rev Jesse Jackson Sr Endorses Fioretti as Eileen Burke Faces Racism Allegations

"When the Republican candidate is extraordinary and the choice is crystal clear, we back the Republican, especially if his name is Bob Fioretti." #BobFioretti

Breaking: Reverend Jesse Jackson Sr. Endorses Bob Fioretti for Cook County States Attorney while Opponent Burke Suffers from Serious Racial Issues

Fioretti's opponent Eileen Burke is under fire for racial issues in her campaign and her career #Fioretti

Chicago GOP Black Republican Caucus Leader Paul McKinley Lauds Tremendous Increase in Black Primary Turnout for the GOP

"The tremendous plan and efforts of Steve Boulton has led to 100% increases in Republican ballots being pulled in some wards!" stated McKinley. #StephenFBoulton

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