Through the Community Development Block Grant Program, Commissioner Miller secured a total of just under $2 million for the Sixth District... #cookcounty
Funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the Promise Pilot will send monthly payments of $500 to 3,250 residents for two years. #guaranteedincome
The Promise Pilot is the largest publicly-funded guaranteed income pilot in American history and will send monthly payments of $500 to 3,250 Cook County residents for two years... #promisepilot
“In years past, the government promised land and animals to Black people who fought the Confederacy alongside Union forces, then reneged and left them with nothing. Once again, the U.S. government broke its promises to Black and other socially disadvantaged farmers with devastating consequences.”
“Gun violence is not acceptable anywhere, and can never be accepted as normal. We cannot accept children growing up without parents, lost to gun violence. We cannot accept a world where parents lose their children to senseless shootings,” said Cook County Commissioner Frank J. Aguilar.