Rep. Haas Receives 100% Voting Record with Small Business Organization (Kankakee, IL) – State Representative Jackie Haas (R-Kankakee) received a 100% voting record from the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) for the 2023-2024 session. NFIB, an organization that advocates on behalf of small businesses across the nation, scores all Illinois State Legislators based on how many votes they cast in alignment with pro-business policy.
“I am proud to have received a perfect score from the NFIB, an incredible organization that advocates for small businesses,” said Rep. Haas. “We need to pass more pro-business policy in Illinois to foster economic development, lower the cost of living, and ensure families and businesses move to Illinois instead of leaving. I will always fight for small businesses down in Springfield and look forward to continued collaboration with the NFIB.”
For more information about the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), visit
For more information about Representative Haas, visit
Rep. Haas Receives 100% Voting Record with Small Business Organization