Martin Luther King Republicans to Celebrate MLK Day and 15th Anniversary
Martin Luther King Republicans to Celebrate MLK Day and 15th Anniversary (Chicago, IL) — The Martin Luther King Republicans (MLKR) will celebrate the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. National Holiday and the organization’s 15th anniversary on January 16, 2023, at the Trump International Hotel and Tower Chicago with an invitation-only Gala. As a part of the celebration, the group will be honoring four people who have contributed to building what Dr. King calls The Beloved Community. The organization will also announce their endorsement of Donald J. Trump to demonstrate support in the Black community for his return to the presidency.
The Trump International Hotel and Tower Chicago, located at 401 N. Wabash, was selected because this is where the organization was founded in 2008, on the night former President Barack Obama gave his speech in Grant Park. The event will begin at 4:00 with networking and cocktails. Dinner will be served with a program to follow. Attendees will receive an autographed copy of Tillman’s Handbook of Great Black American Patriots by co-hosts Tillman Family Press. The family-owned publishing company will announce the upcoming release of Tillman’s Handbook on Trump’s Black Agenda and guide to understanding how the America First Policies were good for Black America.
“It was clear in 2008 that the Democrat party was done with the Black community so we formed MLKR to be the conservative option for the Black community that we are today,” said Jimmy Lee Tillman II, founder, and president of the Martin Luther King Republicans. “It was only fitting that we return to where it all began. When we decided to become the Republican alternative for the Black community, little did we know that Donald Trump, as President would be the catalyst for Blacks leaving the Democrat Party.”
He continues, “The Martin Luther King Republicans utilize the Six Principles of Non-Violence in the political arena to fulfill Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s vision of a united America. For 15 years, we have continued our work to help form policy, advise legislators, recruit candidates, support grassroots efforts, and contribute wherever we can to build a Beloved Country where all are proud to be Americans. A Country where ‘the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.’
“The 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump will receive our 2023 Drum Major Award because he fulfilled his campaign promises to the Black community while being doggedly challenged inside and outside Washington,” remarked Tillman. “Also, for leading the MAGA movement, a movement that has no color and represents people from all walks of life who just want to make America great.”
Other honorees include Rev. Pervis Thomas of New Canaan Land Church in Chicago, who will receive the Shuttlesworth Courage Award because of his service in the Englewood community. He has provided safe spaces for seniors and children and comfort for families who may have experienced violence. He also stood in brave defense of Religious Freedoms during the COVID-19 lockdowns and continued to provide religious sacraments for those who needed them.
Tina McGrath of Joliet, Illinois, will receive the Viola Liuzzo Valor Award because her ReOpen Illinois movement provided opposition to the Democrat Party and led to many people voting Republican for the first time. Ms. McGrath continues her unwavering activism online to defend personal freedoms and constitutional rights while being censored by Big Tech.
Coach Ernest Radcliff and the Wolfpack Youth Sports will receive the Direct Action Award for hands-on work with youth in Chicago for two generations. Coach Radcliff has coached and mentored hundreds of youth, many of whom have become professional coaches and athletes.
Invited special guests include Pro-Life leader Rev. Alveda King, former Chicago Alderman and radio host Dorothy Wright Tillman, attorney Kathy Salvi, and author Charles Love.
Martin Luther King Republicans to Celebrate MLK Day and 15th Anniversary