Federal union local, representing EPA workers in Midwest battleground states, endorses Harris for President

Federal union local representing EPA workers in Midwest battleground states endorses Harris for President


Federal union local, representing EPA workers in Midwest battleground states, endorses Harris for President (Chicago, IL) –  (July 29, 2024) – The Midwest’s Environmental Protection Agency employees union local–the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Local 704–announced its endorsement of Kamala Harris for President on Monday.

AFGE Local 704 represents nearly 1000 EPA employees in six midwestern states, including key battleground states Michigan and Wisconsin, as well as Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota and Ohio.

Harris won AFGE Local 704’s endorsement with more than 82% of the vote. “We pledge to do everything we can to get her elected,” said AFGE Local 704 President Nicole Cantello. “Vice President Harris’ track record as an environmental champion speaks for itself. She has pushed forward enormous progress for the planet in the most EPA-friendly administration in U.S. history. Combating climate change and protecting human health is our mission at the EPA. Not only is Harris on board with that mission, she challenges us to go farther, by paying the most attention to those communities disproportionately impacted by toxic pollution. We are proud to stand with Kamala Harris in our fight to protect the health and environment of the people of the Midwest.”

AFGE Local 704 became particularly active in 2017 when the EPA came under siege from attacks from the Trump administration and his then-EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt.

Federal union local, representing EPA workers in Midwest battleground states, endorses Harris for President


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