Tinley Park Chamber of Commerce is Accepting Applications for Parade of Lights
Tinley Park Chamber of Commerce is Accepting Applications for Parade of Lights (Tinley Park, IL) — The Tinley Park Chamber is accepting applications for Parade of Lights. This year’s Parade of Lights is on Sunday, December 4, 2022 and kicks off at 5:00 pm on Oak Park Avenue. “Our beautiful Parade of Lights finishes off a weekend of holiday events that will start with Friday’s tree lighting ceremony on December 2nd and opening of the Holiday Market put on the Village of Tinley Park. The Tinley Chamber is proud to host this cherished Parade of Lights for the community,” said Brandy Cafarelli, President of the Tinley Chamber.
“Businesses have the opportunity of parading their company name down Oak Park Avenue in front of thousands,” said Mary Kay Campbell, Executive Director. The cost is $30 for a Tinley Chamber member and $50 for non–chamber members, non–Tinley Park businesses
and political groups. All veterans, schools and non–profit groups the cost is $10.00. The parade step–off is at 177th and ends just prior to 172nd turning off before Subway. Visit tinleychamber.org for details and to download the application form.
Tinley Park Chamber of Commerce is Accepting Applications for Parade of Lights