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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Tinley Park Chamber of Commerce Announces New Leadership

"The Chamber acts as a business partner to their membership advocating for the growth and prosperity of the business district.  We serve as a gateway to networking, professional development, workforce, government advocacy, resources, and community connections."

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Silence DoGood
Silence DoGood
"If any Person . . . will give a true Account of Mrs. Silence Dogood, whether Dead or alive, Married or unmarried, in Town or Country, . . . they shall have Thanks for their Pains."

Tinley Park Chamber of Commerce Announces New Leadership (Tinley Park, IL) — The Tinley Park Chamber of Commerce has welcomed a new Executive Director Mary Kay Campbell. Campbell has previously served 5 years as an Executive Director of a Chamber of Commerce and has worked the last 7 years in County government spending 6 years in the Election Department and the last year as a Chief Administrative Director in a County office.

“My priority is to work with the Board developing a strategic plan to build businesses stronger by the month and throughout the year with an expansion in valuable resources, educational workshops, and committees. The Chamber acts as a business partner to their membership advocating for the growth and prosperity of the business district.  We serve as a gateway to networking, professional development, workforce, government advocacy, resources, and community connections,” Campbell stated.

Brandy Cafarelli, President of the Tinley Park Chamber of Commerce, stated, “The Village of Tinley Park welcomed a dozen new businesses during the pandemic, numerous ongoing construction projects, expansion, and future development in the works. The Chamber, in conjunction, has remained steadfast with over 400 members and our prominent Monthly Membership Meeting welcomes several members for networking and village updates. Over the past two years of uncertainty, we also experienced a demonstration of resilience.  Businesses worked together navigating the ever-changing pandemic rules. The Officers and Board of Directors is looking forward to working with Mary Kay exploring result driven educational and collaboration opportunities to expedite the resurgence of success for our members. We are ready grow and serve our members as a venue and partner for businesses to succeed.”

The Chamber will be celebrating National Small Business Week May 1-7. “Post pandemic has increased our awareness how we all need each other. Residents can a play a part and amplify their community by shopping local, shop Tinley Park,” said President Brandy Cafarelli. Another upcoming event for the Tinley Park Chamber of Commerce is a Prospective New Member Night on Monday, May 23 from 5:00 to 7:00 at Sip Wine Bar.  This event is for businesses, organizations, community groups, and entrepreneurs who are interested in becoming Chamber members and an opportunity to explore the benefits of membership. Details for both events can be located on their website at tinleychamber.org.

Tinley Park Chamber of Commerce Announces New Leadership

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