“Steady job growth continues to drive the Illinois labor market, creating fresh opportunities for new and existing jobseekers entering the state’s growing workforce,” said Deputy Governor Andy Manar. #growth
This is the third significant contribution to the outstanding loan balance, which increased significantly after the fund was forced to borrow $4.5 billion in federal funds to provide relief to workers unemployed due to COVID-19. #unemployment
"Job growth in every corner of the state has remained consistently strong for more than a year and a half" said Deputy Governor Andy Manar. #unemployment
The decrease in continued claims is a reflection of pandemic-related economic recovery and an indication the Illinois labor market remains strong.
“Economic recovery, jobs growth, and consistent historically low unemployment claims data continues to signal a strong labor market throughout the state,” said Deputy Governor Andy Manar.
Statewide Unemployment Rate Drops 0.1% (Chicago IL) — The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) announced today that the unemployment rate fell -0.1 percentage...
Sullivan: “We can do better. I’ve invested in job creators around the world, bringing prosperity and purpose in the toughest of circumstances. It can be done here in Illinois, but only if we make a real change."
With two weeks until veto session and interest accruing, state’s unemployment fix still not decided (Springfield, IL) - The deficit in the state’s Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund remains over $4.3 billion and interest payments on the debt began accruing on Sept. 6.
Illinois to invest over $40 million in workforce training (Springfield, IL) - Gov. JB Pritzker announced Thursday that the state will award more than $40 million in workforce training grants, focusing on communities hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic and youth who are particularly at risk of violence.