DeLuca introduced the bill after hearing concerns from constituents about the challenges older students face when trying to provide vaccine documentation. #vaccines
Villages and municipalities along Route 53, including Gardner, Braceville, Godley, Braidwood, Wilmington and up to Joliet will see $54 million spent over the next six years for improvements. #roadwork
“Whether we’re dealing with technological issues that are positive or negative for our state, it’s critical that our General Assembly is ready to make timely, informed and responsible decisions..."
DeLuca recognizes that an increase in LGDF would help keep local tax burdens lower – preventing the need for local governments to look at property tax hikes or other fee increases to make up the difference. #lgdf
House Bill 1095 further clarifies and makes consistent all language pertaining to what prosecutors must show to detain an individual, which is that the person poses a real and present threat to any person or the community, based on specific articulable facts of the case.