As an investment professional, I know there are some reasonable people willing to bring change to the financial services industry, but the facts prove that in practice Wall Street operates like the Klan in silk suits
Wallace "Gator" Bradley: "This is a win for the undermined and underappreciated Black franchisees here in the US. Large corporations can no longer treat us unfairly without push-back. I am proud to be a part of that change."
Let me tell you how we got to this point and draw the Really Black conclusion. In the fall of 2014, I met the Byrd Brothers, Darrell and James F. Byrd Jr., Black McDonald’s franchisees at a Memphis Grizzlies basketball game. They told me that they had eight (8) McDonald’s stores, four (4) each, and McDonald’s was forcing them to sell four (4) stores, two (2) each, to Fred Tillman, who’s White and at that time was the largest McDonald’s USA franchisee.
During the hour long meeting, Mr. Bradley, Mr. Nash and the Byrd Brothers educated Congressman Danny K. Davis on the disparities between the Black & White McDonald’s Franchisees
Rep. Towns Meets with Black Franchise Owners Suing McDonalds May 4th (Nashville, TN) - Rep. Joe Towns Jr. of Memphis will meet on Tuesday, May 4th, 2021 with two of 77 former Black McDonald’s franchise owners who are suing the fast-food giant for racial discrimination.
McDonald's Under Fire with Lawsuits and Protest - The McDonald's corporation has been under fire as of late with numerous lawsuits alleging sexual harassment and racial discrimination.
Don't Be McFooled - Atlanta Protest (Atlanta, GA) - The "Don't Be McFooled" Movement held a protest in Atlanta to speak on the systemic racism that McDonald's has shown towards their black owner-operators.
Interview: Speaker of the House Emanuel "Chris" Welch - Wallace "Gator" Bradley, host of The Bradley Report, interviews Speaker of the Hours Emanuel "Chris" Welch, the first African-American Illinois House Speaker.
“Mississippi Black Elected Officials, Business Leaders & Clergy Call on McDonald’s to Repair Relations with Its Black Employees & Black Franchisees and Make Amends for Its Past & Current Discrimination with the Black Community”