The State’s Attorney’s duty is to prosecute violations of law brought to by law enforcement and enforce the law as written. Local prosecutors run amok wreak havoc by bending the law for a political agenda. Burke has promised to bend the law for an agenda. #election
The Illinois Supreme Court and State Board of Elections each made rulings Friday ensuring that a law rushed through by Democrats in May wouldn’t throw a wrench into the filing process for the current election cycle. #election
Marter’s campaign promises a “return to representation” for the district and for the American People, announcing the “Era of Elitism is over.” #congress
Clayton Harris was the Chair and President of the 'Coalition for Independent Work' campaign, where he led efforts to ensure workers were not treated as employees so they could be paid less than the minimum wage with no benefits. #cookcountystatesattorney
The coalition made it clear that Mariyana Spyropoulos is the right candidate to lead this office into a new era of accountability, transparency, and partnership with the community and away from its troubled history under current leadership. #elections
The Ranked-Choice and Voting Systems Task Force is expected to evaluate the current state of Illinois’ election systems and discuss the process of implementing ranked choice voting for Illinois' 2028 presidential primaries. #rankedchoice
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the Southland Black Chamber has been deeply concerned with the high number of retail thefts, burglaries, and violent crime in the streets of Cook County... #cookcountystatesattorney
There is a loss of faith in leadership, and in programs meant to pacify the public that have proven to be a waste of taxes dollars and leave the needs of people unmet. #uscongress