Moving forward we should not ignore facts; In Illinois, the numbers tell a powerful story: former President Donald Trump garnered 2,483,905 votes – 48% of the state’s electorate. #election
The State’s Attorney’s duty is to prosecute violations of law brought to by law enforcement and enforce the law as written. Local prosecutors run amok wreak havoc by bending the law for a political agenda. Burke has promised to bend the law for an agenda. #election
A three term incumbent on the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, this is Commissioner Spyropoulos' first time running for Cook County Circuit Court Clerk. The office is one of the largest unified court systems in the United States. #cookcountyclerk #election
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the Southland Black Chamber has been deeply concerned with the high number of retail thefts, burglaries, and violent crime in the streets of Cook County... #cookcountystatesattorney
So far, Spyropoulos has received the endorsement of over 115 labor groups, community groups, elected officials, community leaders and Democratic organizations. #cookcounty
There is a loss of faith in leadership, and in programs meant to pacify the public that have proven to be a waste of taxes dollars and leave the needs of people unmet. #uscongress