Statement: Illinois Environmental Council on latest version of energy bill

Statement: Illinois Environmental Council on latest version of energy bill


Statement: Illinois Environmental Council on latest version of energy bill  (Springfield, IL) – Following is a statement from Jen Walling, executive director of the Illinois Environmental Council, on the latest climate and energy bill released today:

“We stand on the precipice of passing comprehensive climate and equitable jobs legislation in Illinois. This moment comes after a years-long campaign, and our even longer strategic effort to build the power of the environmental movement in Illinois. We have grown a strong voting bloc of environmental champions, who stand shoulder to shoulder with Governor Pritzker and our community in demanding a bill that truly addresses climate change and that includes meaningful equity provisions.

“But this legislation isn’t there yet. Anything short of what Illinoisans deserve or what science demands would be too costly a mistake to make in the climate crisis, particularly for BIPOC communities most impacted. Illinois must plan a clear and certain timeline for ending fossil fuels–and it must do so in this bill.

John Heiderschedit, Criminal Defense Attorney; Subscription Lawyer; Chicago Lawyer

“The coming days will determine whether legislators are strong enough to side with their constituents, or polluting fossil fuel industries who have called the shots in Springfield for too long. Our clean energy future and the future of generations to come depends on the decisions legislators make over the next few hours. Our movement won’t stop pushing until the General Assembly has passed equitable, comprehensive climate legislation worthy of the people of Illinois.”

Statement: Illinois Environmental Council on latest version of energy bill 


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