Orland Park Mayor Keith Pekau Criticizes Governor Pritzker’s “One Year Election Gimmicks”

Orland Park Mayor Keith Pekau Criticizes Governor Pritzker's "One Year Election Gimmicks."


Orland Park Mayor Keith Pekau Criticizes Governor Pritzker’s “One Year Election Gimmicks.” (Orland Park, IL) The Orland Park Board of Trustees held its third meeting of 2022 on Tuesday, Feb. 7. In addition to the items on the agenda, Mayor Pekau delivered a public rebuke of Governor J.B. Pritzker’s budget.

Mayor Pekau stated that Governor Pritzker increased spending by 17.8% during his first term. Orland Park reduced operating expenditures by 14% during the same period. Regarding the motor fuel tax freeze, Pekau stated that right now it’s “39.2 cents per gallon, let’s not forget that when he took office it was 19 cents a gallon.”

Mayor Pekau also stated that the one-year grocery tax suspension and the one-time property tax rebate are “election-year gimmicks, they’re trying to buy your vote.” The reasons for this assertion are: “One, grocery tax goes to municipalities, not for the state. Two, State of Illinois doesn’t collect property taxes. Three, the biggest reason the citizens’ property taxes remain high is because the state doesn’t keep its promises and refuses to fix the broken pension system.”

He went on to say that Governor Pritzker is “trying to bribe you with your own money for your vote. Instead of one-year election gimmicks, I call on the Governor to do the following: Fully restore the LGDF. … Eliminate the grocery tax completely. … Roll back the vehicle and truck registration increases. Eliminate the vehicle trade-in tax. Reduce income taxes back to the 2011 levels over the next three years. Fix the broken pension system. And make the cuts necessary to balance the budget without additional debt or new taxes just like we’ve done here in Orland Park.”

Aquatic Center Slides Unsafe

The slides at the Centennial Park Aquatic Center have been deemed unsafe after a recent inspection. In 2015, the slides were painted with rollers, rather than being painted properly. The slides’ interior has been chipping and peeling since 2016, necessitating additional maintenance, repairs, and daily monitoring. The slides’ interior should be maintained through a PM gel coating. As a result, the interior surfaces are in very poor condition.

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The village weighed several options before deciding on refurbishing the interior and exterior surfaces. If properly maintained, the slides could last another 15-20 years. The board unanimously approved complete refurbishment with a budget of $553,105.88, as well as a contract for yearly preventative maintenance.

Community Pride Awards

The St. Michael Cheerleaders were presented with the Community Pride Award for winning the ICCA State Championship. They have won a total of 18 state championships.

Other Agenda Items

(all approved unanimously)

  • Accounts Payable – Approval
  • Payroll – Approval
  • 2 Old Tamerack Lane (Battles Residence) – Annexation
  • 2 Old Tamerack Lane (Battles Residence) – Zoning Map
  • Authorize the Sale of One (1) Police Vehicle to Village of Phoenix,
  • Vactor Vacuum Excavator – Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing
    Contract #122017-FSC
  • Mini Academy II – Development Petition for Subdivision, Map
    Amendment, Site Plan, Elevations, and Landscape Plan
  • Boley Farm/Farm Stand Rental Agreement
  • Resolution Authorizing Release of Mortgage, Release of
    Promissory Note and Mutual Release
  • An Ordinance Amending Title 7, Chapter 18, Section 7-18-16 (Fee)
    of the Orland Park Municipal Code, Regarding the Allocation of
    Video Gaming Licensing Fees Due to the Village of Orland Park,
    Cook and Will Counties, Illinois
  • 153rd Street and Ravinia Avenue Intersection Improvements –
    Amendment #1 to Phase I Contract
  • Orland Park Health & Fitness Center Treadmills
  • Palos Hospital Rehabilitation Services Lease
  • Telecommunications Staff Augmentation Services
  • Soils and Materials Testing and Engineering RFP- Award
  • RFP 22-002 – CPAC Vertical Turbine Pump Replacement
  • RFP 22-001 – CPAC VGBA Upgrades
  • Streets Equipment – Goods Purchases and Delivery
  • Public Works Vehicle Lifts – Purchase and Installation
  • Ordinance Authorizing the Development of a Financing Plan for
    General Obligation Bonds, Series 2022
  • An Ordinance providing for the issuance of not to exceed
    $12,500,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2022, of the Village
    of Orland Park, Cook and Will Counties, Illinois, for the purpose of
    financing various capital improvements, providing for the levy and
    collection of a direct annual tax sufficient for the payment of the
    principal of and interest on said bonds and providing for the sale of
    said bonds to the purchaser thereof.
  • Temporary Human Resources Staffing Services

Orland Park Mayor Keith Pekau Criticizes Governor Pritzker’s “One Year Election Gimmicks.”


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