October Surprise! Rev Jesse Jackson Sr Endorses Fioretti as Eileen Burke Faces Racism Allegations

October Surprise! Rev Jesse Jackson Sr Endorses Fioretti as Eileen Burke Faces Racism Allegations


October Surprise! Rev Jesse Jackson Sr Endorses Fioretti as Eileen Burke Faces Racism Allegations (Chicago, IL) – This morning, legendary civil rights icon Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. dropped a bombshell on the Cook County States Attorney’s race and endorsed Bob Fioretti for Cook County States Attorney. Scores of black elected Democrats such as Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, Former Senator Carol Mosley-Braun, Congressman Robin Kelly and dozens of others, came out against Eileen Burke in the heated Democratic Primary against Clayton Harris. Those dozens of black elected Democrats made serious allegations and implication that Eileen Burke is racist and that her racism has persisted throughout her career. The endorsement from the foremost civil rights icon in Contemporary American history gave this statement:

“Today, I proudly endorse Bob Fioretti for Cook County State’s Attorney. Bob Fioretti has championed our community for many years as an advocate, a civil rights lawyer, an alderman, and a friend. Like former U.S. Senator Chuck Percy, Bob is a leader and advocate for fairness, equality, and diversity. We used to feed the Confederates and the poor. We used to have to go from Chicago to Mississippi stopping to use the bathroom very carefully.”

W’e won the battle against southern New Orleans, LA; Bull Connor from Birmingham, AL; and former Senator Strom Thurmond. There was a lock on the minds of Confederates As a civil rights lawyer, Bob has been a voice for the voiceless, defending the innocent, exonerating the wrongfully convicted, and fighting for what’s right. As an alderman, Bob created more than 8,000 jobs for our community, fought for great schools and against school closings, and started Operation Safe Passage to keep our kids safe. As our friend, when we need his help, Bob is there. Always. He never asks about race, religion, money, or the zip code of those who need help. We know that Bob has always been on our side. And we are on his side.

“We need Bob Fioretti as Cook County State’s Attorney. This is not about party labels. This is about electing our community’s best State’s Attorney, who will temper justice with mercy. It is not the first time have endorsed a Republican. It may not be the last. When the Republican candidate is extraordinary and the choice is crystal clear, we back the Republican, especially if his name is Bob Fioretti. The difference in the civil rights records of Bob and his opponent couldn’t be more clear. The woman who is also running for State’s Attorney prosecuted an 11-year-old child. When she was a prosecutor, she railroaded an eleven-year-old African-American boy with a coerced confession she knew or should have known was false. During the trial, she called this innocent child, ‘A new whole breed of criminal.’ To our community, this racist statement is disqualifying.

“We cannot afford to have a State’s Attorney who talks and thinks about our children this way. Bob helps the wrongfully convicted, and his opponent wrongfully convicts them. To elect Bob, we need to split our ticket this year. After we vote for Kamala Harris for President, we must cross over and vote for Fioretti for State’s Attorney. Our kids’ future depends on it. -Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.”

October Surprise! Rev Jesse Jackson Sr Endorses Fioretti as Eileen Burke Faces Racism Allegations


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