Michelle Obama School of Technology and the Arts Partners with Joliet Toys for Tots for Toy Giveaway (Park Forest, IL) — Ahead of the Christmas holiday and winter break, the Michelle Obama School of Technology and the Arts, with generous support from the Joliet Toys for Tots Campaign, provided toys for every student today at their Winter Holly Jolly Toy Giveaway.

Students entered a festive gymnasium, complete with decorations, holiday music, and tables packed with toys ranging from board games, remote control cars, books, drones, basketballs, and more. The event was staffed by adult volunteers, 8th grade student volunteers, and school staff. The students arrived one classroom at a time and made their way through the long line of tables to select an item. The toys were provided by a generous donation from the Joliet Toys for Tots Campaign. Principal of Culture, Climate, and the Arts Mrs. Kristen Foster emceed the event, instructing students to pick a toy and a goody bag. The goody bags, which were provided by the school, were stuffed with a make-your-own mug kit, hot chocolate, a candy cane, hat, and gloves.
Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, an IRS recognized 501(c)(3) not-for-profit public charity is the fundraising, funding and support organization for the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program. It’s goal is to collect toys in the fall months with the purpose of distributing them to children, especially those who may be less fortunate, during the Christmas season. In addition to this toy giveaway, the district also arranged for toy giveaways for each of the other schools in the district; 21st Century Primary Center, Blackhawk Primary Center, Mohawk Primary Center, Algonquin Pre-Kindergarten Center, and Barack Obama School of Leadership and STEM. Partners varied at each of the school, with one in particular being Downs Fitness in Park Forest. Downs Fitness donated a toy for every student at Mohawk Primary Center.

Originally, the toy giveaways were to be spread throughout the week, however with COVID numbers on the rise, the district elected to go remote beginning Wednesday. All of the remaining toy giveaways for the schools within District 163 were rescheduled for Tuesday.
Michelle Obama School of Technology and the Arts Partners with Joliet Toys for Tots for Toy Giveaway